Aesthetic restorative dentistry

Caries usually begins in the pits on the occlusal surface of dental crowns and enamel surface under the contact of adjacent teeth. In the early stages tooth decay is easily reconstructed through restorative procedures, which include excavation of the caries lesion, adhesive procedure and restoration placement.

The prepared cavity is reconstructed with restorative materials that have superior aesthetic characteristics with maximal ability to imitate the properties of natural teeth in terms of anatomical characteristics and color. Other than their aesthetic and physical-chemical properties, these materials are biocompatible.

If the decay is not treated on time, it progresses rapidly into the depth and endangers the tooth pulp. All these factors can lead to irreversible damage and death of the dental pulp. To preserve the affected tooth in such cases it is necessary to carry out an endodontic treatment. It is a microsurgical treatment used to remove the damaged pulp tissue and the treated enododontic space is filled with suitable root canal filling material. An appropriate endodontic treatment is the most important condition for a successful postendodontic reconstruction of teeth.